New to Hot Yoga or new to our studio? Perhaps it’s been awhile since your last yoga class, or you’re unsure if our studio is a good fit for you. Experience BARRY’S classes firsthand and feel the amazing physical and mental benefits. Barry’s Yoga is powerful, yet adaptable for all ages and fitness levels.
Classes at BARRY’S are all open level, which means you’ll be in class with beginners and experienced yogis alike. Take class at your own pace, skipping poses, taking breaks, drinking water, and moving in a way that works for your body. Our talented instructors offer variations and modifications throughout the practice. Listen to your body and trust the intuitive teacher inside of you.
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Coming to Barry’s for the first time?
- Create an account – New Client Account Creation
2. Purchase a session or membership – Barry’s Pricing
3. Register for a class – Please read our updated studio policies

Is yoga for me?
Yes. Yoga is for every type of body. Don’t allow lack of flexibility or strength to turn you away. Each person starts somewhere. Let an instructor know if you’re brand new to yoga, and they’ll be happy to show you how to modify any pose to make it work for your body.
Can I take breaks in class?
Yes. Take a break any time on your mat. You can omit poses, or take a seat in child’s pose or simply lay flat on your mat.. Honor your body. Sip water and towel off whenever needed during class.
What is a typical class like?
Class is structured to include multiple components: time to integrate and shift out of the thinking mind, a physical warm up, standing poses, balancing poses, strength building, twists, back bending, and inversions. Your practice will conclude with rest called Savasana, an integral part of yoga in which all of the physical components settle into the body.
What do I need to wear/bring?
Wear form-fitting clothing similar to what you’d wear at a gym. Bring a bottle of water, hand towel and yoga mat. If you don’t have a yoga mat, we offer high quality yoga mats for purchase or mats are available for rental -$3. Bottled water is available – $2, We also provide filtered water to refill your personal bottle. Hand towel rentals are available – $1 or full body towels- $2. (Unlimited BARRY’S members get free use of towels and mats.)
Is this your first time practicing yoga or maybe this is your first time back in a studio? No problem, all of our classes are open levels and are designed in a way for everyone to follow along and receive the many benefits of yoga, regardless or your age or fitness level.